Category: Shopify updates

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Shopify released an update a few days ago and now all Shopify merchants can translate the URLs of  their e-store Products, Collections, Pages and Blog posts. More specifically, the slug/handle part of the URL can now be changed in any language which means the part…

Shopify released a few weeks ago a long waited update by many merchants. Now it's possible to build automatic collection conditions by using product metafields. Previously the next best thing was product tags, but they had multiple limitations and problems. If you are new to…

At Shopify Unite 2021, which took place at the end of June, Shopify introduced a number of exciting updates that will be added to the e-commerce platform during 2021.Let's take a look at the first major change and see how this makes merchants, e-store managers,…

Üha enam kaupmehi avab uusi e-poode ja vanad kaupmehed näevad oma veebipoe tellimuste arvu suurenemist. Samas on oluline, et ettevõtted saaksid klientide tellimusi hallata nii kiiresti kui võimalik. Selle protsessi paremaks muutmiseks kujundas Shopify oma platvormile loodude e-poodide tellimuse loendi lehe ümber. Varem pidid kaupmehed klõpsama igal…

Shopify lisab järjest riikide ülest online müüki soodustavat funktsionaalsust ja liigub samm sammu haaval globaalsemaks tarkvaraks. Kui varasemalt keskendust Shopify peamiselt ingliskeelsele kogukonnale ja toetas pigem ühes keeles e-poe pidamist, siis nüüd on pikalt planeeritud uuendused järjest lisandumas.  Kuigi Shopify app store'is on juba aastaid mitmed…